Annie didn’t like spiders, Oh, no - not at all, There was one in her bedroom So she screamed and hollered: ‘MUM. There’s a spider in my room, Come, take it away, please It’s black and it’s hairy And it’s legs look like trees.’ But Mum couldn’t hear her. She was out in the garden Tending roses and violets And having a wander. So Annie sat alone With the spider for company She wondered why it scared her, It was really quite tiny. ‘Get away spider’ She shouted out loud You’re black and you’re scary You’ve too many legs And you’re really quite ugly.’ ‘Well’, said the spider ‘Why are you scared? Just look at yourself: Like a giant two-legged pear.’ And you think I’m hairy, Just look at your braids Your big stamping feet And your hands, Like huge spades.’ ‘Yes, I suppose I must seem like a giant to you But you run about too fast All those hairy legs They’re really not cool.’ ‘Let’s make a pact’, Baby spider suggested ‘If you don’t tread on me I won’t frighten your friends. See, I can make webs at your beck and call It’s magical really, Much better than toys and dolls.’ So baby spider danced, She spun and she weaved Great webs like flowers Annie, giggled, quite pleased. ‘Were you calling me Annie?’ Mum chimed up the stairs ‘It’s okay’ laughed Annie I was just a bit scared’. Mum climbed quickly to the top of the stairs Threw open the door, to a shock and surprise There was little Annie with a spider in her hand, Giggling and playing And showing off her dolls. ‘Well, I never,’ said Mum ‘I thought you hated spiders’. ‘But this one’, said Annie ‘Is my new Spinderella.’
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